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Friday, June 10, 2011

Photo - Water Feature on a Slope

This project had a steep slope in the backyard.  A retaining wall
was built to expand the backyard. The rest of the slope was
planted with drought tolerant plants with a water feature
coming down the middle to serve as a focal point.
The water then cascaded over the retaining wall (see photo
in the top 10 post labeled "Water Feature on a Retaining Wall")
into a small pond.

Photo by Doug Kalal, taken at a client's garden in Encinitas

1 comment:

  1. We also have a select range of pure 100% copper rain chains which give a musical voice to the rain. Functional when used in place of a gutter down pipe, a mesmerizing water feature that is beautiful to watch, and the sound of the rain water flowing through soothes and relaxes the mind and soul. water features
