Here are the plants I like to use when designing a slope. Some of these plants work best in combination with other similar plants (like California Natives). Part 2 of the list comes on Sunday.
Botanical Name Common Name Type of Slope ^
Agave americana Century Plant Both Aloe striata Coral Aloe Bunny
Arbutus unedo Strawberry Tree Bunny
*Arctostaphylos sp. Emerald Manzanita Both
‘Emerald Carpet’
*Baccharis pilularis Pigeon Point Coyote Bush Both
‘Pigeon Point’
Bougainvillea sp. Bougainvillea Bunny
Calindrinia grandiflora Rock Purslane Bunny
*Ceanothus sp. California creeper Both ‘Yankee Point’
*Cercis occidentalis Western Redbud Bunny
Cistus x purpureus Orchid Rockrose Bunny
*Cotoneaster dammeri Coral Cotoneaster Both
‘Coral Beauty’
Dodonaea viscosa Hopseed Bush Both
*Epilobium canum California Fuschia Bunny
Eremophila maculate Emu Bush Bunny
*Erigeron karvinskianus Santa Barbara Daisy Bunny
Gazania hybrida Gazania Bunny
Grevillea lanigera Wooly Grevillea Bunny
Juniperus chinensis Gold Chinese Juniper Bunny
‘Old Gold’
Lagerstroemia sp. Crape Myrtle Bunny
Lantana hybrida New Gold Lantana Bunny
‘New Gold’
If you are not sure which plant combinations work best, then send me an email (my address is listed at the top of the page).
^Bunny slopes are those easy slopes that you skied on when you were a kid. Bunny slopes are 5 to 20 degree slopes that you can walk up and down without having to hold onto anything. Both refers to Bunny or Cowabunga slopes. Cowabunga slopes are those steeper inclines that teenagers go snowboarding down yelling “COWABUNGA!!!!!” as they rip and shred everything in their path. Cowabunga slopes are in the 25-60 degree range and require some type of aid (railing, fence, etc.) for you to hold onto in order to go up and down the hill. This weekend’s article will focus on how to properly plant the slope.