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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Photo - California Fan Palm compared to a Mexican Fan Palm

Here is a great side by side comparison photo of a Mexican Fan Palm
(the skinny one on the left) and a California Fan Palm.
As you can see the California Fan Palm has a thicker trunk
and larger fronds.  California Fan Palms are also slower growing
than Mexican Fan Palms.  Both are drought tolerant palm trees
great for California (and Nevada where this photo was taken).
Photo by Doug Kalal

1 comment:

  1. Mexican fan palms look more exotic to me, taller and thinner like one might see on a tourist beach in Mexico. (That's how I will differentiate them in my mind.) The California fan palm is also beautiful and I like how it looks sturdier and thicker. Thank you for clarifying the difference. When I move to the desert again I want to have a couple of each.
