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Friday, April 13, 2012

Photo - Pride of Madeira (Echium candicans)

This drought tolerant plant is also great
for seaside gardens.  These photos were
taken at Tidelands Park in Coronado.
Photos by Doug Kalal


  1. Hello good people;
    Was walking down to Dana Point over the weekend with my sister and her husband who live in Kula which, as you may know, is the flower-growing area on Maui...sister grows Protea. She stopped and 'Ooooed' and 'Ahhhhhed' over the Pride of Maderia. Being a drought tolerant plant and the Kula part of Maui being so dry, do you think it a good fit?
    Thanks in advance for your reply,
    Tom Lanphier

  2. Yes, this plant should do just fine there. Pride of Madeira is also good for coastal gardens that have issues with sea spray.
