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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

5 Fantastic Shade Plants for San Diego

Here are 5 wonderful plants for shady areas in San Diego.  All of these plants need well-draining organic soil to thrive, so see my posts in March about amending your soil.  Photos of each of these plants can be found in the various months of this blog.  Just type the plant name in the blog search box.

Camellia japonica
Japanese Camellia
This evergreen shrub will slowly reach 8’-10’ tall and can be pruned flat against a wall.  There are a wide range of flower choices for this winter blooming plant.  Full shade inland to part shade on the coast.

Clivia miniata
Also known as the Kaffir Lily, this small and tough perennial is terrific under the canopy of a mature tree.  Bright orange flowers add a burst of color on this 2’ tall x 2’ wide plant.  Full shade inland to part shade on the coast.

Heuchera sp.
Coral Bells
As mentioned in this week’s post, this drought tolerant perennial comes in a wide range of foliage colors. Full shade inland to part shade on the coast.

Dianella tasmanica ‘Variegata’
Variegated Flax Lily
This version of the Flax Lily has long cream-colored stripes running down its length and nice little blue flowers in the spring.  2’ x 2’ in size and full shade inland to part shade on the coast.

Coprosma repens ‘Marble Queen’
Marble Mirror Plant
Look at my post in January for all the details of this variegated, drought-tolerant shrub.  The Marble Mirror Plant looks great against the house and will reach 4’ tall x 4’ wide.  The foliage is great in flower arrangements.   Part shade inland to full sun on the coast.  There is a photo of the foilage in my Top 10 Most Popular Posts to the right of this article.

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