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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

5 Fantastic Plants for Purple Cut Flowers

For a flower to be considered a good cut flower, it needs to last at least 3 days in a vase.  These purple cut flowers look great when they are paired with yellow plants (see my post in June).  Search my blog for photos of these plants.

Campanula sp.
These part shade beauties are usually grown as annuals and can reach 24” x 24”.  

Dahlia sp.
In San Diego, these tubers produce a wide variety of bloom sizes that can last a week in a vase.

Gladiolus sp.
Plant this bulb in early spring for fantastic cut flowers in the summer.

Rosa hybrida ‘Neptune
Hybrid Tea Rose ‘Neptune
This large hybrid tea rose reaches 4’ in height and width.  This rose is blesses with large and very fragrant bloom.

Salvia leucantha
Mexican Bush Sage
A great, easy to grow, hummingbird plant that also looks good in a vase.

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