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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Ask Doug - "When do I trim my gaura back?"

Gaura (Gaura lindheimeri) is a wonderful drought tolerant perennial that can reach 3 to 4 feet tall.  Every 6 months you should trim your gaura by 50% with a hedge trimmer.  Here in San Diego, the best time to trim the gaura is in July and January.  However, the trimming can be done any time the flowering at the end of the stems starts to dwindle.

Have a questions for me?  Email it to me at


  1. Oh no! 50%! I just cut mine down to just above ground level! Have I ruined it?

  2. If you live someplace warm (daytime temp of at least 60 degrees right now) the gaura should bounce back. Don't feed it, instead give it some GroPower to help the root system build up the energy to rebuild the plant.
