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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Photo - Baby Hummingbirds

4 weeks ago I told you about the hummingbird
that made a nest in one of my roses that I had not yet
prunned.  2 weeks ago the egg hatched and I saw
little lump of fur in the nest. Last week a huge storm
roared into San Diego with tremendous rain and hail. 
My wife, oldest son and I rigged a canopy over the nest
to protect the newborn babies.  Today I finally
saw mommy leave the nest long enough to take a photo
and low and behold she had twins!  Some how the
other egg must have hidden when I looked in the nest.

They still have their eyes closed and mommy rushes
back and forth to feed them.  Here is the photo
of the nest and mommy from a few weeks ago.

Photos by Doug Kalal

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